Roadkill (2020)
BBC / The Forge
Michael Keillor
Production Designer:
Nick Palmer
Lead Graphic Designer:
Alexa Galea
Assistant Graphic Designers:
Siân Lipscombe
Ola Podgorska
Four-part political drama written by David Hare starring Hugh Laurie and Helen McCrory.
BBC / The Forge
Michael Keillor
Production Designer:
Nick Palmer
Lead Graphic Designer:
Alexa Galea
Assistant Graphic Designers:
Siân Lipscombe
Ola Podgorska
Four-part political drama written by David Hare starring Hugh Laurie and Helen McCrory.
AllTalk radio station identity and studio signage
British American Washington DC think tank identity and brass plaque
Backdrop design for BBC News Studio B, Broadcasting House
Selected key stills (with Stuart Hendry)
Key action newspaper cover and envelope with custom postmark
Recreation of 10 Downing Street exterior and interiors